Rekenrek to Numberpath


A rekenrek uses visual and tactile clues to compare, double, halve, add, and subtract with numbers to 20 based on forming combinations of 5 and 10 instead of counting by one. Children with a Math LD or dyscalculia typically struggle to apply what they have learned with one tool when using another more advanced tool. This month’s freebee visualizes the connection between a rekenrek and a numberpath, the precursor of a number line, using the familiar groups of 5 alternating red and white beads and helps children to transfer their calculation on a rekenrek to the numberpath.



A rekenrek uses visual and tactile clues to compare, double, halve, add, and subtract with numbers to 20 based on forming combinations of 5 and 10 instead of counting by one. Children with a Math LD or dyscalculia typically struggle to apply what they have learned with one tool when using another more advanced tool. This month’s freebee visualizes the connection between a rekenrek and a numberpath, the precursor of a number line, using the familiar groups of 5 alternating red and white beads and helps children to transfer their calculation on a rekenrek to the numberpath.